What we offer
We currently offer three different formats to allow you, your team, or your organisation to Explore your depths.
Chris's signature keynote features a fascinating insight into the world of saturation diving, along with a first hand account of his miraculous story supported by stunning real time video and audio of the incident. It touches on various key themes and learnings including performing under pressure, teamwork and collaboration, and resilience and overcoming adversity.
We also provide breakaway sessions or stand-alone half-day workshops for training days, conferences or in your workplace. These are co-presented and facilitated by Dr. Christine Currie Ph.D who lends an academic perspective from her expertise in the fields of collaborative learning and workforce skills development. All of our workshops are interactive and use Chris's incredible story as a springboard for discussion and group exercises and are tailored to client specific requirements and learning outcomes.
Our management seminars target the key decision makers within your organisation, and focus on using the learning outcomes from the incident to discuss and engage on topics including decision making, organisational behaviour and change management and agility. These sessions are also supported and facilitated by Dr. Christine Currie Ph.D.​
For more detailed information on any of these please feel free to download our information pack or click on the links below.​​​