Keynote Presentations
​In this breathtaking experience, former deep sea diver Chris Lemons will lead you on a guided tour of the relatively unknown world of saturation diving, where those involved live within the claustrophobic confines of a decompression chamber for up to 28 days at a time, commuting daily to the sea-bed in a diving bell, and working at depths of up to 900 feet for 6 hours at a time.
Chris will then take you on an immersive journey as he guides you through the fateful day in September of 2012 when a freak computer failure on the vessel he was working under, resulted in the umbilical, which provides him with breathing gas, light and heat, being severed completely. He was left on the seabed in complete darkness 300 feet below the surface, with only the 5 minutes of breathing gas he carried in the emergency tanks on his back, and no way to protect himself from the freezing temperatures. It took his heroic rescuers over 40 minutes to come back and fetch him, and his miraculous survival story has baffled experts ever since.
He is happy to tailor his address to align with your specific themes or requirements, which may include focusing on the safety aspect and lessons learned from the accident, the human and emotional elements involved, or a more detailed insight into how the team responded to the intense pressure of the incident.
​​Chris offers an acute, honest and emotional testimony of what goes through one's mind when seemingly counting down the minutes to death, and how surprising and revealing one's response to such a situation can be.
He also tentatively explores how staring death in the face can focus one's mind on life, as well as to contemplate the very finite nature of our time here on earth. Chris also discusses the practical and physiological reasons which may have contributed to his miraculous survival.
He moves beyond the miracle and communicates how teamwork, preparation, training, procedures, drills and practice played a huge role in his recovery and survival, and how the nature of these being implemented can benefit your sphere of work or life.
Chris is delighted to deliver his keynote either in person or online.​ He is also happy to engage in question and answer sessions on any of the subjects related above.
Chris has delivered his signature keynote globally to a wide variety of clients.